1.Brother Hou, I have to ask you to pay this year's taxes. I know nobody likes to pay tax, but I have to report to my boss.
2.Specialist lawyers and accountants said the rules were vague but that Mr Chen would not usually be required to pay tax on a share sale.
3."If the government asks us to pay [tax] we will be the first to do so, but there is no such regulation at the moment, " he said.
4.Will it be taken out of my salary or do I pay tax once a year?
5.Businesses with a fixed establishment shall rep ort and pay tax with the local competent tax authorities where the establishment is located.
6.pay tax or do not pay tax , wanted to say to calculate by duty wu branch finally.
7.Taxpayers transferring land use rights shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the land is located.
8.Declare to tax office to pay tax, participate the company tax administration plan and prepare.
9.The rule aims to ensure that people earning more than $1m a year pay tax at an effective rate of 30%.
10.Four-part cent: Set up to pay tax the ideal of the valuation system and the target mode of the norm.